Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC)
The OCDSB has one Joint Health and Safety Committee. The JHSC meets monthly during the school year and minutes from these meetings are posted on the Safety Bulletin Board at each site in the OCDSB. The role of the JHSC includes identifying situations that may be a source of danger or hazard to workers as well as making recommendations for the improvement of health and safety in the workplace.
JHSC Worker Representatives investigate critical injuries, attend work refusals, accompany Ministry of Labour officials and can be present at industrial hygiene related tests.
Worksite Safety Representatives
Every site in the OCDSB is requried to have a Worksite Safety Representative. This representative is selected each spring by the non-management workers at the site for the following school year.
The role of the Worksite Safety Representative includes completing the monthly safety inspection during the school calendar year and encouraging workers to report health and safety concerns to the principal or supervisor.
Should you have any questions or concerns please contact the Ottawa Carleton ETFO/FEEO Health & Safety Resource Officer, Lee-Anne Feltham at 613-596-3932.