The OCETFO/FEEO is comprised of 3500 Public Elementary Teachers who work for the OCDSB. Our Members are justifiably proud of the unique, diverse, rich programming they provide to their Students in the Nation’s Capital. They teach at the only truly diverse, PUBLIC School District in Ottawa. OCETFO/FEEO knows that empowered Teachers, when provided with the resources and supports they need, are able to do truly wonderful things for the Students they teach. The OCDSB is being forced to adjust to decades of chronic underfunding from various Provincial Governments, especially from a Ford Government that has stripped hundreds of millions worth of real dollars from Public Education. This has deeply impacted the ability of Districts like ours to provide quality programming. The fault for this lies entirely at the feet of the Provincial Government.
French Immersion programming in the Nation’s Capital is truly essential. No other English Public School Board in the Province offers the depth of French programming that OCETFO/FEEO Members provide. It is important as the OCDSB contemplates changes to programming that the voices of our Members are heard. The OCETFO/FEEO has had initial meetings with Director Pino Buffone to discuss our concerns:
- Any changes to OCDSB programming will need broad Teacher and Parent support to promote enrollment in the District.
- Changes to French Immersion will need to be made while looking through an Equity lens- enhancing accessibility for diverse groups while protecting programming for everyone.
- The impact on our most vulnerable, high-needs Students will need to be prioritized; placing high needs Students into “regular” classes with little or no additional supports is abandonment.
- The best decisions around programming will require listening to OCETFO/FEEO Teachers and hearing their input; Teachers are the ones who work with Students every day and are best-placed to provide this input.
- Our priorities will be protecting the working conditions and jobs of our Members, and lobbying for the best possible supports and programming for our Students who need it and deserve it.
Director Pino Buffone has agreed to meet with OCETFO/FEEO Members to listen and to get input from Teachers on the following dates and locations:
Thursday, 23 May @ 4:30-6:00pm (Gloucester HS Auditorium 2060 Ogilvie Rd.)
Thursday, 6 June @ 4:30-6:00pm (Confederation Learning Centre Cafetorium 1645 Woodroffe Ave. )
Tuesday, 11 June @ 4:30-6:00pm (Online Webinar- link to follow)
OCETFO/FEEO Members are encouraged to attend one of these meetings and to interact respectfully and collaboratively with the Director as the OCDSB works though the input phase. Please feel free to reach out to our Local office if you have questions.
In Support,
Rebecca, Susan, Stephen, Soraya Shanez, and Brian