The Ottawa Carleton Elementary Teachers’ Foundation of Ontario provides funding for subject/grade committees to run workshops throughout the school year. Workshops are open to all OC ETFO members.

If you would like to suggest that a new subject/grade committee be established, please contact Melcha Wolanski, 2nd Vice-President, at 613-596-3932 ext. 203 or via e-mail.

Subject/Grade Committees

CommitteeChairpersonExecutive Liaison
Choral MusicDoug HumeMelcha Wolanski
Combined GradesMelcha Wolanski
Design & TechnologyMark GillilandCarleton Bovell
Educational Technology
English to French Immersion
French as a Second Language (FSL)
Indigenous EducationKyl MorrisonJennifer Duncan
Instrumental Music Tracey HeardCarleton Bovell
IntermediateMeaghan Burden & Donna QuigleyBrian LeSage
Junior Teachers
KindergartenDebbie Zimmerman Brian LeSage
MathAnn Chevrier & Danny ShalomAnik Mackey
Physical Education & Health
Primary/Junior Music
Primary TeachersDanielle Whalen & Courtney RaudoyRachel Herz-Fischler
ScienceMeghan Polowin Shawna Rothgeb
Social Studies/History/Geography (SSHG)
Special EducationAmrit BainsMaryse Extross
Teaching English Language LearnersLindsay MatteszMelcha Wolanski
Visual Arts

Ottawa Carleton ETFO/FEEO Standing Committees

CommitteeChairpersonExecutive Liaison
2SLGBTQ+ CommitteeShawna Rothgeb
& Jennifer Johnston
Susan Gardner
Budget CommitteeSusan Gardner
Collective Bargaining CommitteeBrian LeSage
Health and Safety CommitteeLee-Anne Feltham
Human Rights CommitteeAnuka DeyRachel Herz Fischler
Multicultural, Social Justice & Equity CommitteeLorna EvansLee Mason Brown
New Teachers’ Initiatives ProgramMaryse ExtrossMelcha Wolanski
P.D. Day CommitteeAnuka Dey & Alex DerryJennifer Duncan
Political Action CommitteeLee St. AubinJennifer Duncan
Professional Learning CommitteeMelcha Wolanski
Status of WomenRachel Herz-Fischler & Lee BrownMelcha Wolanski
Wellness CommitteeRachel Herz-FischlerMelcha Wolanski