Tamil Heritage Month
January is Tamil Heritage Month. This year’s theme is: Celebrating Tamil Arts & Honouring Tamil Artists. This poster displays various beautiful art forms, each reflecting the core pillars of Tamil culture: literature, music, and drama. Learn more.

MLK Jr. Day
Monday, January 20 is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Dr. King’s words and actions from more than 50 years ago continue to have immense power and meaning for us in 2025.

International Education Day
International Education Day is January 24th. The 2025 theme is “AI and education: Preserving human agency in a world of automation”. Discover these great webinars provided by the United Nations.
World Day for African and Afrodescendant Culture
January 24th is also the World Day for African and Afrodescendant Culture. This date coincides with the adoption of the Charter for African Cultural Renaissance in 2006, and aims to celebrate the many vibrant cultures of the African continent and African Diasporas around the world.
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
International Holocaust Remembrance Day is January 27th. The Montreal Holocaust Museum has provided educational programs, activities and resources designed for use in elementary schools.
National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action Against Islamophobia
On January 29th, we observe a National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action Against Islamophobia. The National Council for Canadian Muslims (NCCM) provides robust and cutting-edge training and resources to promote equity and inclusion, and to combat Islamophobia.

Lunar New Year
January 29th is also Lunar New Year, with celebrations including fireworks displays, arts and crafts, performances, and parades lasting several days. Lunar New Year is an engaging topic with plenty of scope for fun, creative lessons and learning opportunities.
Let us approach this new year together guided by inspiration from Dr. King, who said in 1947 that “Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education”, words which still ring true today.