The main responsibility of the Collective Bargaining Committee (CBC) is to negotiate and administer the Collective Agreement between the Ottawa Carleton ETFO/FEEO and the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) on your behalf.
Additional responsibilities for the CBC include service on joint Union-Board committees (Elementary Staffing Committee, Benefits Review Committee and the Allocation of Available Space Committee).
Formal negotiations with the Board are preceded by a Membership Priorities Survey (MPS) conducted in each workplace at a union meeting chaired by a visiting CBC Member. Results of the MPS are tabulated and presented to the Board as the OC ETFO membership’s bargaining priorities.
Your Collective Agreement details the terms and conditions of employment for all elementary teachers employed by the Board.
Grievances are filed to resolve disputes involving the application, administration, interpretation or alleged violation of the collective agreement when discussions between the Board and Ottawa Carleton ETFO/FEEO are unsuccessful.
The Chief Negotiating Officer (CNO) is released full-time from teaching responsibilities. If you have questions/concerns about your Collective Agreement please e-mail Brian LeSage or phone the Ottawa Carleton ETFO/FEEO Office at 613-596-3932.
Your Collective Bargaining Committee is comprised of 13 members elected by the OC ETFO membership at the Annual General Meeting.
Members of the CBC bring a full range of qualifications to the committee, ranging from Masters’ degrees and the Principal’s Course to Specialist Certificates in FSL, ESL, Guidance, Science and Technology, Computers in Education, Special Education and Physical Education.
CBC Members have filled numerous roles including School Steward, Ottawa Carleton ETFO/FEEO Executive member, ETFO Provincial Committee member, Delegate and Alternate to innumerable Annual Meetings.