Please find details about Arbitrator Kaplan’s salary award for the 2022-2026 Collective Agreement below:

ETFO CB RELEASE – 2022-2026 Compensation Award Decision

The award sets wage increases at:

  • 3% for 2022/23
  • 3% for 2023/2024
  • 2.75% for 2024/2025
  • 2.5% for 2025/2026

This amounts to an 11.73% increase compounded over the 4 years of the Collective Agreement.

OC ETFO/FEEO was one of the first 5 ETFO Locals to have signed a Local Agreement. As such, our Members should be receiving this increase no later than 30 days after the award, or 29 June 2024

We will pass along further information as necessary.